Avec une interview de 2004 – Jean Baudrillard: The Disappearance of Culture

C’était un plaisir de participer à cette publication avec l’interview (ici numéro 25) menée  en 2004 à Paris et déjà publiée dans les Baudrillard Studies en 2014.

Capture d_écran 2017-06-17 à 16.10.22Content

Introduction: Baudrillard Unplugged

Interview 1: Is Transgression a Mode of Political Action?
Interview 2: Dropping Out of History
Interview 3: Catastrophic, but Not Serious
Interview 4: The Apathy of the Masses
Interview 5: The Transparency of Kitsch
Interview 6: Baudrillard Shrugs: Terrorism and the Media
Interview 7: Strange World
Interview 8: The Ex-termination of the Real
Interview 9: La Commedia dell>’Arte
Interview 10: From Popular Culture to Mass Culture
Interview 11: The Ecstasy of Photography
Interview 12: Baudrillard’s List
Interview 13: Viral and Metaleptic
Interview 14: The Homeopathic Disappearance of Architecture
Interview 15: For Illusion
Interview 16: Impossible and Unexchangeable
Interview 17: The Art of Disappearance
Interview 18: Solutions for a Post-technological Society
Interview 19: Apropos of Utopie
Interview 20: The Murder of Reality
Interview 21: Alterity as Fate
Interview 22: Artificiality and Seduction
Interview 23: The Roots of Evil
Interview 24: The Mirror of Photojournalism
Interview 25: Hoping to Resolve the Irresolvable

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